Monday, September 25, 2006

Moving Along

I'm into Chapter Twenty-One now. I have about 72,500 words. I took a bit of a hiatus to think over the plot of my next few chapters. I think I will have about 30 chapters when I'm finished. I'm starting to see the finish line. But then there will be editing work ahead.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Still going...

Ok, the pace slowed down a bit as I hit a plot wall. I'm having to re-think some things, but I'm still moving ahead. I'm nearing 64K now in 18 chapters. I have gotten a few more readers looking over what's been written so far. This is mainly to aid in checking continuity and story flow, plus I like having feedback as I go along. It sparks me to continue slogging away.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

200 pages and 60K

I hit my 200-page milestone tonight. It felt really good. I still can't believe I've written something that spans that many pages. And it seems to be coherent, too :). Who would have thought?

I'm still enjoying the process. Though I've taken a day or two off here and there, for the most part, I've worked straight through on this since July. I'm starting to feel like a junky: if I don't get my writing fix, then I get really cranky--just ask the hubby.

Additionally, I'm feeling more and more like there are more books in me. I've already got ideas for two others that tie into this one. I don't have anything mapped out for them yet, but I've been receiving glimpses of scenes here and there. They tend to interrupt my sleep, but I'll take them when I can get them.